On Cohesion

A blog to investigate and discuss the representation of cohesion in small combat units in computer models and simulations. The research covers the stress effect of soldiers in comabt and the mitigating effect of unit cohesion on their ability to function. Also it is an investigation of what entities would like to fund future research in this topic area.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Well I finaly did it I created a web page. Hopefully to complement this blog. The address is http:/warner2000.tripod.com/ It is still under contruction so be patient. I also have my disserstion avaliable for down load.

By the way an update on the confirmation class group. Well we have had 12 classes and the still have not enough trust in each other or the teachers to discuss more than superficial subjects. I guess it takes more than 12 hour to build cohesive trust.

The next year will be taking them out of the classroom environment and get them to work at a soup kitchen or a ropes course at the local college. we'll see.

for now

happy new year


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